Post-Injury Care: Tips for Optimal LCL Recovery

Effective post-injury care is essential for a successful recovery from a lateral collateral ligament injury. Once the initial healing phase has begun, it's important to follow a structured physical therapy program. Physical therapy focuses on exercises that gradually restore strength and mobility to the knee without overstressing the healing ligament.

Gentle exercises, such as stationary cycling and controlled leg lifts, can be beneficial in the early stages of recovery. It's also important to balance activity with adequate rest, allowing the ligament time to heal. As recovery progresses, exercises can become more challenging to further strengthen the knee and surrounding muscles.

Applying ice to the knee after exercise can help manage inflammation and pain. It's crucial to avoid rushing back into high-impact activities too quickly, as this can risk re-injury. Gradually increasing activity levels under the guidance of a healthcare professional ensures a safe return to daily activities or sports. Listening to the body's signals and not pushing through pain is key during the recovery process.

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*Disclaimer: Although welcome for treatment, these patients are excluded from offers:
1) MEDICARE, MEDICAID, TRICARE, and other government healthcare program participants and 2) personal injury and worker's compensation claimants.