How to Prevent Shingles from Spreading and Recurring

Shingle is a virus that can be painful and uncomfortable for those it affects, so it's essential to take steps to prevent it from occurring or spreading. To do this, start by getting vaccinated. Two forms of the shingles vaccine are available, which can reduce the likelihood of contracting this virus. Additionally, adults should make sure they're up-to-date on their regular vaccinations. Keeping current with these immunizations is essential, as shingles are caused by a strain of the same virus that causes chickenpox.

Furthermore, if you already have shingles, it's important to keep the affected area covered and clean at all times to avoid spreading the virus to other people who haven't had chickenpox before. Finally, suppose you find yourself frequently suffering from shingles outbreaks. In that case, you might wish to speak with your doctor about taking antiviral medications to help minimize the duration and severity of possible recurrences.

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